Links for April 7, 2024

“Making Connections for Peace: Turtle Island – Palestine – Israel” The webinars on April 9th
that Michele mentioned in the announcement. Information on how to register can
be found here

The Spring issue of Connections is available at the door and online.
Thanks to all the contributors who submitted stories and photos. As you
pick one up please consider taking an extra copy to pass along to a
neighbour or friend who may not be here this morning.

Today is World Health Day! Around the world, the right to health for
millions is increasingly coming under threat. Diseases and disasters
loom large as causes of death and disability. Conflicts are devastating
lives, causing death, pain, hunger and psychological distress – just think
of the situations in Palestine, Ukraine, Haiti, Sudan, Yemen and other
areas of conflict and drought. At least 4.5 billion people – more than half
of the world’s population – are not covered by essential health services.
The theme for 2024 “My health, my right” was chosen to champion the
right of everyone, everywhere, to access quality health services,
education, and information, as well as safe drinking water, clean air,
good nutrition, quality housing, decent working and environmental
conditions, and freedom from discrimination.

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