Links for January 26, 2025
The prayers and Christian sympathy of the congregation are extended to the family and friends on Susan Margaret (Webber) Davidson who died last week. Please keep her mother Betty, sisters Carolyn and Mary and the whole family in your thoughts and prayers during this time.
The UCW is fundraising for a new stove for the kitchen. The two we had in the kitchen are over 10 years old, and one broke January 9 beyond repair. Both are used regularly for church functions and the Hot Meal program. Hot Meal group and UCW are going to split the cost to replace the broken one. Please return any funds in the envelope you were given this morning by February 2, through the donation boxes Sunday morning or at the office through the week. If you would like to e-transfer something to help please send it to and put “UCW Stove Fundraising” in the comments.
The Social Justice Collective asks us all to note that tomorrow is an International Day of Commemoration – International Holocaust Remembrance Day. 27 January was chosen to commemorate the date the Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated by the Red Army in 1945. In April 1945, Canadian forces liberated the Westerbork Transit Camp in the Netherlands, including 900 Dutch Jews who were still interned there. As a nation, Canada has been profoundly shaped by approximately 40,000 Holocaust survivors, who resettled across our country after the war.