Links for October 27, 2024

The prayers and Christian sympathy of the congregation are extended
to the family and friends of the Rev. Doug Stewart who died last week.
The funeral will be tomorrow (Monday) at St. James at 2 pm with
visitation tonight from 2-4 and 7-9 at MacIsaac Funeral Home. Please
keep his sister Joan and all of the family in your thoughts and prayers.

Happy Birthday to the Hot Meal Program! During our 200 th year
celebrations , events were planned for each month and it was suggested
that we should do an outreach program or event and the members of the
Celebration Committee were asked to bring ideas to the next meeting.
Betty Webber came with the suggestion that we do a weekly hot meal
and this was agreed upon. On October 19, 2004, the first Hot Meal was
served to the five people who showed up. The next week there were ten
people. Now twenty years later the average attendance is 40 and
we now have two days when meals are served as members of the
community felt they would like to be part of this program. From a team
of four: Joyce Hilling, Hazel Murray, Mavis Murray, Betty Webber,
there are now well organized teams who prepare nourishing meals and
our thanks go to these volunteers who give so willingly of their time

The Social Justice Collective wants to highlight a few of the worthy
front line poverty fighting organizations that are included in our
Antigonish Gift Book” – for use at any time – not just Christmas! The
Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre’s Sexual Assault Services
provides support and programs for women and adolescent girls who are
facing issues related to poverty, violence, and mental health. Donations
are used for emergency needs or for program services. (902) 863-6221
Family Services of Eastern Nova Scotia provides counseling and therapy
to families and individuals. They also house the Men’s Health Centre
which offers health services to males 12 years and older. Donations are
used to help families who require support. (902) 863-2358 Antigonish
County Adult Learning Association provides free learning opportunities
for adults in our community including newcomers. Donations are used
for transportation, childcare &course materials. (902) 863-3060