Links for May 5, 2024
Your Social Justice Collective is asking for your help is supporting a challenge from our Moderator and KAIROS to demonstrate our support for peace in Palestine. Today after service, we’ll share a prayer and take a photo of everyone, hopefully outside near our “Pray for Peace” sign. This will be shared with KAIROS, and they in turn will share it with various print media, websites, and social media. Everyone is welcome!
The Social Justice Collective asks you to note that 3 May is World Press Freedom Day. For 2024 the day is dedicated to the importance of journalism and freedom of expression in the context of the
current global environmental crisis. May 5 th is important for two reasons. It’s Red Dress Day, which honours the thousands of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, 2 spirit, and gender diverse people in Canada by encouraging learning and building awareness to end violence against them. You can show solidarity with those impacted by wearing red or hanging a red dress in a window or tree to represent the pain and loss felt by loved ones and survivors. The 5 th is also Mental
Health Sunday in the United Church – part of the church’s effort to create communities of radical belonging for all people, including those living with mental health challenges. May 10 th is World Migratory Bird Day. The campaign in 2024 will focus on the importance of insects for migratory birds, and highlight concerns related to decreasing populations of insects.